IFBB Pro on Saturday, May 14, 2022 host their next men’s open contest to determine who will qualify for the 2022 Mr. Olympia, which is scheduled to take place the weekend of the last month December on the date 16-18 Dec 2022. and the venue is Los Vegas, NV…
The 2022 Indy Pro takes place on the weekend May 14, 2022, and features three pro divisions including Men’s Open, Men’s 212 bodybuilding and Women’s bodybuilding.
Blessing Awodibu has won the 2022 Indy Pro Bodybuilding Show. Awodibu managed to place first in the bodybuilding show that featured past champion Justin Rodriguez and veteran pro, Maxx Charles.
Blessing Awodibu qualified for the 2022 Mr. Olympia, scheduled to take place on Dec. 16-18, 2022, in Las Vegas, NV.
2022 Indy Pro Men’s Open Results
- Blessing Awodibu
- Charles Griffen
- Maxx Charles
- Justin Rodriguez
- Brent Swanson
- Dorian Haywood
- Walter Martin
- Slavoj Bednar
- Ross Flanigan
- Ray Short
- Ron Gordon
- Matt Kouba
- Diogo Nunes
- Eslam Mohamed (did not compete)

Other Division Results
212 Division
- Bryan Balzano
- Noel Adame
- Emmanuel Rodriguez
- Yumon Eaton
- Abdullah Alsaif
- LeLand DeVaughn
- Teddy Gray
- Boas Oliveira
- Broderick Credell
- Peter Castella
- Asante Gibson
- Joey Decaminada
- Arturo Cotto
- Mark Smith

The winners, Bryan Balzano and Theresa Ivancik are also now qualified for the Olympia.
Women’s Bodybuilding
- Theresa Ivancik
- Stephanie Flesher
- Lisa Kudrey
- Donna Salib
- Jada Beverly

Source: Generation Iron